Monday 23 June 2014

The Life in Construction Area

In this picture the worker looks think about how to start to build in this area. The area is really plain, the bulldozer even not start dig yet. Nothing else in this area beside the wheel print from bulldozer and other machine passing through this area.

Two worker on picture below down to the field to check a condition of this area. Both of them looks have a bit conversation while their walk along this area. This area actually have a bit improvement but I'm not take the construction because i really excited only to the workers.

A big truck help a worker to lift a huge block road. The worker try to give a guide to the driver so the hook can caught the two side of the block road. The other worker stand on the other side and observe this activity. A good team work that can make this construction finish in time with a good result.

The foreman give a guide to the other worker how this project work and give the explanation of the plan from this project. In front of bulldozer this atmosphere make a workers seems to really work hard. The worker pay attention to the foreman and try to understand what the plan is for this project.

The worker try to lift a thing that a bit heavy for him. He looks to put that thing on the small place and he will send it later while he finish do his job on that area. The area looks very mess and a lot of tools spread along that area.

The construction worker is not an easy job. You need power and patience for this job because it's not the job that you can finish in 1 or 2 months later, but a years to finish one project of the apartment. The building on the picture 2, 4, and 5 is apartment call Madison tower 3 and picture number 1 and 3 is different apartment but very close within.

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