Wednesday 25 June 2014

Safe During Peak Hour.

The tram that took a lot of passenger to the Southern Cross station during the peak hour. Rain is falling down at that time a lot people using umbrella to reach Southern Cross Station.

The lady use her umbrella to go to the Southern Cross Station, the weather is really bad today, rain fall and also windy make you need to careful and use hat for your head otherwise you will easy to headache. You can see the rain from the path.

One of customer touch on his miky so he can go through in. Touch on and touch off is really important thing that you need to aware. If you forgot to touch on you can't go out from the station and you need to ask the staff to open the gate for you. If you on train and forgot touch on and you meet inspection, you need to pay at least $200 penalty because of your fault.

One of the platform really crowded by people finish work or school. They wait for the train to go back after do a lot activity today. They must be really tired and some of them need to face a problem and they just really want to go back home and release stress for a while.

This is what we call metro train which is only use for zone 1 and zone 2 in Victoria and can't pick you up to regional area such as bendigo, geelong, or ballarat. Zone 1 is the suburb with the range of 10 km from the city and zone 2 is more than 10 k from the city. The price is different, zone 1 normally is more expensive than city because the place is not really far from the city and the living cost in zone 1 more expensive as well compare than zone 2. 

This is the rule that you need to give a people inside the train go out first than you can go in so we don't have to thrust each other. During the peak time, people normally like thrust each other which is sometimes you need to careful your thing. Stealer is everywhere just keep your bag safe with you when the train station is really crowded. You can go to police station in Southern Cross station if you lost something and then just go report to them and their will help you. 

Have a safe trip use Melbourne Train Station.

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