Tuesday 24 June 2014

Help Me!

Richard, the name of this homeless, he is just drink his coffee while i try to took his photo. He only stare to the pedestrian and hope they will spare some money. Thank goodness one lady come to him and spare some money for him and he just said thank you to the lady, but i'm not capture that moment on that time.

I try to ask permission to him to take his picture. He allow me to take his picture and this is what i get from him. His face really look sad, it's like no hope for him, but i believe this guy will be fine. This guy sit in front of RMIT building in Bourke Street.

Addictive, that's what i can said in this picture. Richard looks hold his cigarette and he just can't stop smoke. Every money that we try to spare to him, he will use it for buy a cigarette. If we want to help him, we can try to give him a drink or some food or the last one is ask what his need. We can't make him go to the store and buy some cigarette from the money we spare.  We need try to help him from addictiveness!

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