Tuesday 24 June 2014

Grab Big Issue and Save Homeless

"Grab Big Issue, save homeless." This is the sentence that i heard from this vendor woman. She try to yell and hope that someone will buy her big issue or at least spare some money for her life. She yell to everyone that cross along swanston street.

"Frustrated" is what can i describe on this picture. The woman face look really sad and tired to sell her Big Issue. People just walk away and not care about her yell. I like this girl struggle in this large city, at least she's try the best than only ask the money from other people.

I see this guy on Flinders Street near Flinders station on the wheel chair. He can't move from his wheel chair because his leg to small and not proportional with his body. He just sit there and yell "Big Issue" but no one want to hear him.

One of pedestrian on this picture only stare to this guy but not react or want to buy his Big Issue. He just curious with this Big Issue Vendor.

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