Saturday 28 June 2014

The Puppet Master

Meet this guy David Splatt! David have a good fashion sense look at the picture. He wear an old or vintage clothes that 90's or 80's people wear, but not the fashion make this guy so unique and talented but the skill to control a puppet. I call him a puppet master!

This is the puppet that he use to entertain people in the street, Mr Skull. Mr Skull is a good dancer also, David can make Mr skull look like a professional singer in the stage. This is my first time i so excited with puppet.

This is David with Mr Skull, so professional. Let see how David control the puppet. It's not easy.......

The end of the show from Mr Skull! If you excited with this guys just check at swanston street!

Cheers David Splatt and Mr skull keep practice and entertain people in the street. Thanks to allow me to take your picture. It just amazing!!

Friday 27 June 2014

The Beauty Mean

It just like a normal day that i finish my work. On the way my home, i saw a group of beautiful ladies near Town Hall at Collins Street. I reflect to take my camera and take a shoot of the ladies. I was very happy because i can get a couple of shot of them like picture above. The smile was gorgeous with the dress and the face is really beautiful.

On this picture i just want to focus on the gentleman around the beautiful ladies. The man was so cool with the formal shirt that he wear. The hair style was cool also is like a prince that want to meet his princess.

The group of ladies on the way to the Town Hall to attend a special event there. I feel really happy because i get a chance to documented this event that i never try to took before and today i just got it. Every single person in this picture is just really gorgeous.

Inglorious Buskers

Inglorious Buskers is the street musician that performs at Bourke Street. They have a good sounds and also the 2 musicians can play guitar also. This street musicians entertain a lot of people there with their good sounds and talented.

This is one of the singer in Inglorious Buskers Andrea Ravasio. He play a guitar with a good melody plus his good sounds really can help you to release your stress.

This is one is the second singer and guitarist as well Lorenzo Lisi play a guitar and sing a song as well. He sing very good and really confident.

The picture of both singer and guitarist from Inglorious buskers. Together they can make an atmosphere at Bourke Street really different. A lot of people inspire by them and entertain. Grab the copy of CD for only $10 you will not regret. Cheers Inglorious Buskers and keep perform!

Thursday 26 June 2014

Hit Until You Cannot Hit Anymore

This is the legend and unique drummer i ever found since i came to Melbourne last year. Simple tools but he can play with a good beat even though he always play a same beat every time.

This is the tools that he always use to play his drum. Stick drum is originally for play a real drum, hi hat is originally for play a drum as well and he use kind of gallon as well to make a bass which is very unique and clever. The sound effect from his tools is good and not really different with the real drum as long as you can play the beat like him.

Even tough he is old, but the spirit to play a drum still really good and enthusiast. He play a drum while the weather is windy and cold outside but he don't care and still play for entertainment people. He usually play at swanston street but today he play at spencer street which is weird. Don't look at him as a homeless, but take a good example from his life which never surrender with what he have and be clever to try use everything you have now and try to expand like him.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Safe During Peak Hour.

The tram that took a lot of passenger to the Southern Cross station during the peak hour. Rain is falling down at that time a lot people using umbrella to reach Southern Cross Station.

The lady use her umbrella to go to the Southern Cross Station, the weather is really bad today, rain fall and also windy make you need to careful and use hat for your head otherwise you will easy to headache. You can see the rain from the path.

One of customer touch on his miky so he can go through in. Touch on and touch off is really important thing that you need to aware. If you forgot to touch on you can't go out from the station and you need to ask the staff to open the gate for you. If you on train and forgot touch on and you meet inspection, you need to pay at least $200 penalty because of your fault.

One of the platform really crowded by people finish work or school. They wait for the train to go back after do a lot activity today. They must be really tired and some of them need to face a problem and they just really want to go back home and release stress for a while.

This is what we call metro train which is only use for zone 1 and zone 2 in Victoria and can't pick you up to regional area such as bendigo, geelong, or ballarat. Zone 1 is the suburb with the range of 10 km from the city and zone 2 is more than 10 k from the city. The price is different, zone 1 normally is more expensive than city because the place is not really far from the city and the living cost in zone 1 more expensive as well compare than zone 2. 

This is the rule that you need to give a people inside the train go out first than you can go in so we don't have to thrust each other. During the peak time, people normally like thrust each other which is sometimes you need to careful your thing. Stealer is everywhere just keep your bag safe with you when the train station is really crowded. You can go to police station in Southern Cross station if you lost something and then just go report to them and their will help you. 

Have a safe trip use Melbourne Train Station.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Socialist Against Abbot? Why?

Socialist Alternative is a revolutionary socialist organisation in Australia, identifying with Trotskyism and the Marxist tradition of "Socialism from below". Founded in 1995 with the headquarters base in Victorian Trades hall, Melbourne, Australia. They produces 2 newspaper, Red Flag and Marxist Left Review. 

The picture below is shows the activity of Socialist Alternative Organisation volunteer try to attract pedestrian in Swanston Street near Melbourne Central to join the rally on 7pm night yesterday. The volunteer looks busy stand up and give a brochure and sell a Red Flag Newspaper as well.

This is the picture of their sign, Abbot with prohibited sign. I try to ask to them "What this rally about?" They explain to me like "We want to against Abbot new policy to cut budget welfare, health, and education." They are not satisfied with that policy because they know that government will raise the fees for school, decrease a health quality, and give pension to people that 70 years old which is make them not happy and comfortable.

One of the controversial merchandise from them "Fuck Tony Abbot". I think it's one think that i don't like with this organisation. They just can't appreciate what Tony Abbot do for Australia. Why people still want to choose Abbot then?

The organisation success attract a couple to fill the petition to against the Abbot. He looks very enthusiast because more people want to sign the petition which is a support for them.


Help Me!

Richard, the name of this homeless, he is just drink his coffee while i try to took his photo. He only stare to the pedestrian and hope they will spare some money. Thank goodness one lady come to him and spare some money for him and he just said thank you to the lady, but i'm not capture that moment on that time.

I try to ask permission to him to take his picture. He allow me to take his picture and this is what i get from him. His face really look sad, it's like no hope for him, but i believe this guy will be fine. This guy sit in front of RMIT building in Bourke Street.

Addictive, that's what i can said in this picture. Richard looks hold his cigarette and he just can't stop smoke. Every money that we try to spare to him, he will use it for buy a cigarette. If we want to help him, we can try to give him a drink or some food or the last one is ask what his need. We can't make him go to the store and buy some cigarette from the money we spare.  We need try to help him from addictiveness!

Grab Big Issue and Save Homeless

"Grab Big Issue, save homeless." This is the sentence that i heard from this vendor woman. She try to yell and hope that someone will buy her big issue or at least spare some money for her life. She yell to everyone that cross along swanston street.

"Frustrated" is what can i describe on this picture. The woman face look really sad and tired to sell her Big Issue. People just walk away and not care about her yell. I like this girl struggle in this large city, at least she's try the best than only ask the money from other people.

I see this guy on Flinders Street near Flinders station on the wheel chair. He can't move from his wheel chair because his leg to small and not proportional with his body. He just sit there and yell "Big Issue" but no one want to hear him.

One of pedestrian on this picture only stare to this guy but not react or want to buy his Big Issue. He just curious with this Big Issue Vendor.

Monday 23 June 2014

The Life in Construction Area

In this picture the worker looks think about how to start to build in this area. The area is really plain, the bulldozer even not start dig yet. Nothing else in this area beside the wheel print from bulldozer and other machine passing through this area.

Two worker on picture below down to the field to check a condition of this area. Both of them looks have a bit conversation while their walk along this area. This area actually have a bit improvement but I'm not take the construction because i really excited only to the workers.

A big truck help a worker to lift a huge block road. The worker try to give a guide to the driver so the hook can caught the two side of the block road. The other worker stand on the other side and observe this activity. A good team work that can make this construction finish in time with a good result.

The foreman give a guide to the other worker how this project work and give the explanation of the plan from this project. In front of bulldozer this atmosphere make a workers seems to really work hard. The worker pay attention to the foreman and try to understand what the plan is for this project.

The worker try to lift a thing that a bit heavy for him. He looks to put that thing on the small place and he will send it later while he finish do his job on that area. The area looks very mess and a lot of tools spread along that area.

The construction worker is not an easy job. You need power and patience for this job because it's not the job that you can finish in 1 or 2 months later, but a years to finish one project of the apartment. The building on the picture 2, 4, and 5 is apartment call Madison tower 3 and picture number 1 and 3 is different apartment but very close within.

The Iron Craftsman

This picture i took last week when i walked along of Swanston Street, Melbourne. I saw this man do something that make me curious with my reflect i took my camera and took couple of picture of this guy while he doing an iron crafts which is make a souvenir base on small iron stick with pliers as a tools to bend the iron stick.

The picture below show that the craftsmen try to bend the iron stick and try to make some souvenirs to sell on the roadside. Swanston street is the busy area where a lot of people go there to shop or eat. 

You can see how the craftsman try to bend the iron stick with pliers. It took a lot of energy as we know that not easy to bend an iron stick especially when we need to bend a thick iron stick and make a shape from the iron. The craftsman looks very calm and just enjoy what his do.

This is the product that the craftsman make "a bicycle". It took a lot of patience from the craftsman and you need a high concentration as well otherwise you just ruin this work.

We need to keep this art alive. You don't need to buy if you don't have a money, but maybe you can visit him or just take a look of his artworks.

The Street Art Master

The street artists display his art works in Bourke Street near Myer. People seems to not really care about his art even the arts only $3 each. The artist only sit there and hope people can buy his art works or even can spare some coins for him.

The close up from the artist art works. Even the picture very simple but it simply can attract some people to buy with abstract concept. Some of the art works looks like bird, tree, or even flower.

The looks try to make a new picture with hope that maybe someone maybe will interest with his works.

Some of people just not get a chance to improve their talent or skill. Our support that can help them to improve their life quality.

The Vendor with Big Issue

The vendor that i saw on Bourke street while i do a photograph. The vendor face look very excited and happy even he can't walk from the wheel chair like normal people do.

The vendor job is sell Big Issue as much as they can. Big Issue magazine help a lot of people with mental illness, disability, broken home, drug and alcohol, and long-term unemployment to get a profit by buy a big issue magazine for $3 and they sell for $6. Every vendors need to sign a vendor contract which is includes a code of conduct before they sell the magazine to public. Vendors get a badge which is the customer only can buy a copy of Big Issue from the street vendors. Thank you to Big Issue that help a lot of people that not get a chance to work to have their profit.


Picture taken by me.

Monday 16 June 2014

Walk Away

"The people that are quick to walk away are the ones who never intended to stay"


Richmond is a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, 3 km south-east of Melbourne's Central Business of District in the local government area of the City of Yarra Municipality.